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Image by Briana Tozour

Nurse Coach Cancer Companion

Personal one on one support to help educate, empower, and support you and your loved ones through the most challenging parts of your journey.

Every journey is different, and every journey is the same.  You are not alone.  You are not powerless.  As you take each step; you are empowered to overcome and find a place of personal wellness every day.

Gain control over what you can. Find your own inner wisdom and the strength to overcome.  

Program and Packages

8 Month 1:1 Coaching Program

  • Virtual 60 minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions

  • Family coaching session monthly

  • Written and Video Self-Paced Resources utilizing the 'Survive On Purpose' concepts.

  • Session-content revolves around immediate support needs, anticipatory needs, educations, and encouragement.

  • Understanding Your Diagnosis and Treatment

  • Symptom Management Support

  • Preparing for expected and unexpected needs

  • Skills and techniques to manage stress, listen to your body and find your own inner wisdom

  • (1) Virtual Attendance during Oncology Visit if needed or desired

  • Free 2 month Membership to our Thriving On Purpose Membership Tribe (following package)

Platinum Package:

  • (16) 60min 1:1 Coaching Sessions (scheduled every 2 weeks)

  • (8) 60min Family Support Sessions

  • (3) BONUS 60min 1:1 Coaching Sessions (scheduled around your needs)


Gold Package:

  • (8) 60min 1:1 Coaching Sessions (scheduled 1/mo)

  • (8) 60min Family Support Sessions

  • (2) BONUS 60min 1:1 Coaching Sessions (scheduled around your needs)


Pricing Plans Available

Click "Book Now" for more details. 

We are all looking to be healed. Let's consider together what that path looks like...

Our diagnosis is scary, statistics are not comforting, and we are thrust into a world of test, procedures and treatments that we don't fully understand.

Tests are amazing resources to identify what is going on inside our bodies.

Procedures have increased our ability to interact with our disease in an effort to understand its' specific attributes and vulnerabilities.

Treatments have been developed by amazing researchers. They have studied and created protocols that have the best potential to cure our disease, reduce our probability of recurrence all with an ultimate goal to save or prolong our lives.

Many medications, procedures, treatments and tests are extremely helpful and achieve many healthcare goals.


However, we are often highly dependent on pharmaceuticals. These pharmaceuticals have many negative side effects. We then take another medication to address those new symptoms. And then that medication has new negative side effects...and the cycle continues.

Outside of whatever treatment plan you decide is right for you; conventional, less conventional or a mix; the support offered here will give you scientifically proven holistic options to improve your health and give you the absolute best odds of survival.  Becoming aware of new ways to 'be well' only gives us more control over our own health and outcome.

Do not believe more in cancer's potential to destroy than the power of the infinite possibilities that are

available to heal you.

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