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Tune in to Wellness
Episode 5 Transcript: Our Endocannabinoid System; Learning Its Importance to Our Balance 

Jewelene (00:05):

Welcome to Tune into Wellness podcast. I am your host, registered nurse and holistic wellness nurse coach Jewelene. This podcast is designed to share inspiring stories, provide you with useful resources, and to empower you to live vibrantly following a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer. I committed to supporting wellness for those facing cancer and chronic illnesses, but we don't have to wait for a health crisis to find wellness. Wherever you are in your journey, tune in each week for the best conversations from experts and industry leaders to inspire us to live our most vibrant life now. So welcome to Tune Into Wellness. Today we are going to be speaking with Lisa Bell. I'm gonna let her give a little introduction of herself, but I met Lisa through my work with INCA and Nurse Coaching, and I feel so privileged to have her here today to talk about what kind of inspired her to get into the wellness world. So, Lisa, welcome today.

Lisa (01:27):

Well, thank you so much, Jewelene. It's just, uh, it's been a treat and a pleasure to get to know you and your journey. I'm so grateful to the integrative nurse, um, academy for connecting the two of us, and, um, really have learned a lot from you. So thank you for doing, uh, this passion work that you're doing. Uh, I think you're, you are helping a lot of people, including me and my clients <laugh>, so thank you for that, Jewelene. Thank

Jewelene (01:51):

You, Lisa. So you come with a really, um, interesting background, um, from a educational standpoint, but why don't you start with what kind of inspired you in life to go down the, the path that you did?

Lisa (02:05):

Well, Jewelene, as you know, um, I grew up in a healthcare family. My dad was an endocrinologist, um, kind of a Marcus Wilby kind of doctor back in the day in a small town in Arkansas. And my mom was a geriatric nurse who literally, uh, had a passion for the elderly in nursing homes. And part of that was because she had a, a melanoma, uh, when I was just very, very young and there was really not great chemo at the time. She was basically told to go home and die, and she found great strength and, um, she found a lot of inspiration in going into the area nursing homes where people were at death store. And so my sister and I went with her, and, um, so I saw the end of life things, you know, bed sores and flies in bed sores and horrible conditions at the time in that little town in Arkansas.

Uh, so I, I was very, very influenced what I didn't wanna end up with. And mom's really, um, what was so amazing about her nursing home nonprofit, which she started, was that she basically went back to the doctor and they found no trace of the cancer. And so she had this spontaneous healing. She had an amazing ministry, uh, with my sister and her and, and tow. And, um, so 20 years later she developed a secondary cancer, and that's ultimately what was her demise. And I was 27 pregnant with my first son, uh, when she passed. And so it was a, you know, just one of those life altering, uh, moments of grief and loss for me. And at that moment, a lot of, um, her early death had to do with, um, just a healthcare system and some of the decisions she made with her treatments.

And, um, I just, I learned that, you know, the healthcare system is not infallible. And, um, even though I had chosen to become an I C U nurse, that was my first career. What I saw there was that we were really, as a collective healthcare country, I mean, just how we spend money on healthcare is, is basically putting a bandaid on disease. And now, like, what feels like a hundred years later, you know, we are spending an excess of 2.3 trillion on healthcare every single year and getting poorer results than other industrialized countries. And so, you know, healthcare is not a pretty place right now. And, and so all of that experience and including, you know, I have two sons. My youngest son has struggled with brain health issues. I did what every good nurse mom would do, took him to his doctor and said, you know, we gotta fix him.

And they, as you can imagine, prescribed a medication that I did not do my due diligence with as a, as a mom, and sent him on a five year journey of polypharmacy. I think he was on 30 different medications over the course of a few years. It just, he was a very broken kid, uh, when I was really trying to do my job as a nurse mom, if, if you will. So all of those personal, really life crises experiences really helped me understand that as an individual and as a nurse, I have to become an advocate of my own health. I have to really understand what is holistic health. Uh, so I had really walked away from the healthcare system when my mom had died. And, and it was because I really, I think I blamed the healthcare system for her death. You know, she was only 47 years old.

She was apparently healthy. Um, and because of that, I just said, you know what? I'm gonna find something else to do, basically. I can't, I can't advocate this. Um, so, uh, what I love now about what we're doing, you and I both holistic nurse coaching, is we're, we're basically taking the very best of healthcare and we're helping educate people on these other natural modalities things that they can do to reclaim their health and wellbeing. And, um, I love that about nurse coaching. And so I thank you for letting me be able to kind of share that.

Jewelene (05:53):

Oh, Lisa, thank you so much for sharing that story. And you know, I hope that resonates with everyone how even as nurses, even as those in the medical field, um, sometimes it's hard to understand what we're saying yes to or understand what we're saying no to. And finding ways to be our own best advocates is important. And sometimes hard, you know, but being able to right now take the healthcare system that is broken and recognize where the holes are, and as nurse coaches be able to kind of fill some of those gaps. And that's a lot of what we're trying to do here. You know, I feel like if we can take information and somehow transition all that information into understanding and knowledge, then we can make good decisions for ourselves, positive decisions for ourselves, and ultimately reach our healthcare goals. I am very thankful for you being here and that the journey that you have had has brought you to a place of the immense of, out of knowledge that you have around some really intriguing and interesting ideas around how we can be in better health.

Lisa (07:16):

Well, julene, you, uh, you are also an expert on this topic. I'm so grateful that you were open to it. But, um, yes. So about five years ago, almost six now, I was introduced to a whole new area. This industry is, is still relatively unknown, but it's, it's referred to as the endo cannabinoid system, big mouthful of a word. We kind of abbreviate that with e c s for short. So the endo cannabinoid system, you know, most people, like I said, don't really have a familiarity. They, they didn't learn it in science, like every other body system. We know the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, but we don't know that there's the largest communication system in the body was really discovered in the nineties. So a lot of scientists refer to it as one of the most important scientific discoveries in the last 50 to a hundred years.

The reason why we really don't know a lot about it is because it has a very controversial area that is under its umbrella and it's the world of cannabis. So even if you start reading about medical cannabis, medical marijuana, hemp, there's three different words there that are kind of used sometimes interchangeably. What we try to do, um, with our team is we educate on, uh, what is this new word, you know, what is this endocannabinoid system? What is its role in the body? And how can we actually use it to our health advantage? Um, as a holistic nurse coach, my passion is really helping people overcome obstacles and really take advantage of what we know will help the body heal itself naturally. And so movement obviously is one of those areas, you know, diet, um, getting outside in sunshine about grounding. I mean, there's so many things that we know are naturally helpful to us.

Our body was programmed with these great benefits for movement, but I work with people who are too heavy or they hurt too much, or they feel like they've got limitations. You know, covid isolation and immobility almost wiped out a lot of the senior population. And so what we love about this e c s system is it in some ways isn't the ability to jumpstart a very important communication system in the body to create what's called homeostasis. It's another kind of fancy word. It really just means balance. But when you even used under Wikipedia, look up the human endocannabinoid system, uh, you'll see that there's actually receptors in every single cell in the body, every organ system that are, they're designed to house one specific thing, and that's called a cannabinoid. And when your body produces it, it's an endocannabinoid. When your body is under stress, when it's aging, when it's subject to, um, stress and, um, infection and, and sometimes, you know, disease, it doesn't produce enough of these.

And so these receptors are basically dormant and they can't do their job. And so the beautiful health hack that we were introduced to almost six years ago now through my youngest son, is using the hemp plant, not marijuana, it's a cousin, but the hemp plant, which by law has less than 0.3%. T H C, which is the psychoactive intoxicant in marijuana. The the hemp plant is, is the plant that we work with. And it was actually not legal until 2018 when President Trump signed the farm bill. And so literally, uh, we have been involved in pioneering this industry and helping people understand that they don't have to go to a dispensary in order to fuel their endocannabinoid system. The hemp plant looks very, very different than the marijuana plant. It's grown differently. It has to be grown very separately. Um, so this amazing plant has a lot of benefits in the human body.

In fact, we were hardwired by these receptors to actually require this fuel in order to create balance in everybody's system. And what has been amazing for me, starting with my son, is that we saw by just a few drops under the tongue, um, of this very amazing brand, uh, cuz we work with a branded product that is water soluble, has a technology that helps humans who are largely water, uh, absorb something that could be an oil. Um, there, it takes a special kind of engineering in order to do that. But once that happens, miracles can really happen in the body because now we have kind of the fuel, if you will, kind of in the Wizard of Oz, the tin man, when he got his little oil thing and he started being able to move and groove again, uh, the fuel helps the body rest and digest.

It helps it sleep, appetite, pain, signaling, inflammation. It helps regulate the central nervous system activity, uh, reproduction. It helps protect the body from stress, uh, people who are stuck in that fight or flight mode. It helps give relief from different kinds of addictive behavior. It helps with bone growth, with energy regulation, um, the immune system, cell life cycles. It helps to rid dead cells in the body. And so it can be helpful, um, with, you know, regulation and hopefully prevention from other really deadly forms of disease. And so we have really been privy to amazing information that we are now creating a team of people to help share in a grassroots movement. And you've been part of that, Jewelene, so I wanna thank you for that.

Jewelene (12:43):

Oh, I'm so excited about it. And I hope that what people are hearing is that, um, we don't have to go to big pharma to get what we need first. As we've said in other episodes, our body was designed to be healthy. It wants to be healthy. The systems that are often triggered that cause some of us to be unhealthy are because of some of our environmental factors, the fact that we live in a chronic state of stress, and that most of those doctors visits that you mentioned at the beginning, Lisa, are stress related. They're not genetic related, they're stress related. And that is what has excited me about Zise and the products that you're gonna talk about. And the, the fact that we do have a reliable source, because I think that's one thing that people get concerned about. You know, you hear a lot about, um, new products that are not going through the F D A and you wonder, ah, is it real or is it not?

But we have options that are carefully produced in a way that can be received in our body that's soluble, you know, that we can actually absorb within our body and get the benefits. Um, and that I also hope that as a society we are recognizing that some of the things that have created sometimes a little taboo that make us like build up that wall of, I don't, I don't wanna follow this because hey, that's, you know, like you mentioned marijuana, you know, like there's a lot of you, you can polarize people on pro or con. Um, and so walls will be drawn up when the reality is you are choosing to believe more in chemically developed product than in what is natural in our environment. And that just, I think when we stop and think about that, it's little bit crazy. Like, and why is that?

Because we've been sold that, right? We've been sold that Pharma pharmaceuticals adding a medication is the way you fix x, whatever X is. Well, I tell you what, it is scary when we watch these commercials on TV that are going to take away your symptom and then they say the 32nd very fast talking disclaimer of, and this may cause, and heck, I think I'd rather just have the skin rash. You know, it's j <laugh>. So this is our opportunity to learn a little bit more about this system in our body and how we can help support it with products that can be easily absorbed within our body and have amazing results. So Lisa, I appreciate, um, you sharing all of that. So you wanna go into a little bit about the product itself.

Lisa (15:52):

I love your story, Jewelene, and I just appreciate your openness. Uh, I have to say that there's is some kind of brainwashing or bias within the health professions that if something is not, you know, placebo controlled clinical study, crossover, you know, trials, uh, that they're very skeptical. Um, a lot of health professionals are skeptical about private industry. And so, you know, the problem is it's the wild wild west out there with regard to C B D with regard to hemp. And so you can go try a thousand products, some of which have no active ingredients, some of which have, you know, adulterer in them, um, or you can actually know what to look for. And so, um, I'm so grateful <laugh>, I don't know Jewelene if I ever would've went and found, um, the product and Zise the company that we work with, they came to me and it was really in the form of a very, very, um, highly credible, holistic dentist who, who reached out to me.

He had great credentials. He knew, he knew the data. Uh, I'm not sure I would've just listened to just anybody, but he said, Hey, you know, I know, I don't know if you've heard about C B D or not, but I have found a really great brand. And the reason why is that these plant compounds are oils and the body human body's mostly water, you know, 80 to 85% water depending on what you look at. And so at the, I guess the industry number is about 6%. So if you take a C B D or an oil-based compound into your body, you're gonna keep about 6% of that. So you might spend, let's say a hundred bucks on a a, a plant-based product, you're gonna get $6 out of that and $94 you're excreting. And so that doesn't really make a lot of, of cent from a dollars and cents standpoint.

So he pointed out that Zise had a technology that was water soluble. They actually have a pharmacokinetic study that shows that it's 85 to 94% absorbed. And not only, you know, is it well absorbed, but it actually stays in the body for eight to 12 hours. And, um, I came from pharmaceuticals, so I know a lot about what data that they need in order for physicians to prescribe or comfortable recommending to their patients. And so I was really impressed. It's the only pharmacokinetic study that I had seen in the industry. And, uh, what our results showed is then you just need a lot less of the product in order to get that benefit. So, um, if you're spending a hundred dollars and, and actually ours are not that expensive, but let's say you're spending a hundred dollars to keep the math easy, you're gonna get 85 to $94 out of that bottle.

And so it's less money for, for the client. And also, um, the product tastes a lot better than just squeezing lessin oil in your mouth, uh, with, you know, mint flavoring. Uh, because in this industry of wild, wild west, there's good, better, best. And, um, you know, some of the products, uh, don't taste very good. Um, and a lot of them are don't perform very well. So we hear all the time, oh, you know, I tried cbd, it just didn't work for me. And we're helping people have a better user experience by choosing a water soluble brand that has this US Hemp Authority certificate. Very important to have that standardized, that has QR codes on every bottle. So you can actually bring their certificate of analysis up and you can see what's in it and what's not in it. It's proprietary. Uh, we believe that this company is a gold standard.

It's transparent, it's certified, it's us grown. And, um, you have to be careful because hemp is a bio aggregator. That means that it's gonna pull from the soil anything in it, both good and bad. And so, um, all that control is really important in this industry. Um, so we spend a lot of time educating on what to look for. And I believe we found that, uh, with this company called zise. So I feel we work with a lot of health professionals, a lot of people who look for that gold standard. Um, it has been an amazing partnership.

Jewelene (19:47):

Yeah, this is truly amazing because I think we talk about this too, um, maybe something most people are aware of, like supplements, you go and you get vitamins and you know, depending on the brand that you go and get, you know, are you actually absorbing those vitamins? You know, you spend a lot of money on supplements and, um, the benefits are probably minimal when it comes to C B D. I think people who've even been open to the concept of the benefits of C B D have gone to their local smoke shop, picked up a bottle of gummies, paid a good chunk of change for them and thought, eh, it wasn't anything. And so they kind of dismiss it as that's not for me, that that wasn't helpful or I didn't appreciate the benefits from it. And so then you are unwilling to recognize the product manufacturer and how the difference in the products can be.

So knowing that I don't have to go to my local smoke shop and just pick the best deal for my C B D gummies or my, you know, tincture, um, I don't have to do that. I, um, I have been very open to trying less conventional methods of holistic care for myself through my cancer journey. And the, the least products for me changed my functionality and quality of life to such an extent that, you know, I I wanted to make sure that we had you on here to share with, with the masses because it really, it really can make a very positive impact on you, um, by having a quality product that you know is doing what you are wanting it to do.

Lisa (21:45):

Well, Julian, I love the fact that, you know, you've combined your amazing background, um, you know, all the years that you've been in hospice care and the other areas of, of nursing that you've been in, and that we can literally, you know, what's important is to see how can we help other people with this? And so we do offer for personalized health consultation for anybody who says, Hey, would you think C B D would help me, my family? You know, for me it was my son initially. And literally in three days, my son, who really couldn't find any kind of medication that would regulate his central nervous system, um, his life changed and three days. Um, and now six years later, he has healed so much in his central nervous system from side effects of medications and just mismanagement of medications that I am forever grateful as a mom that somebody was brave enough to ask me the question of what I knew about C V D.

So whether it's pain, sleeplessness, you know, just emotional wellness, nervousness, weight management focus and memory, energy overall wellness complexion, believe it or not, skin health, um, aging, pet wellness, whatever it is. Uh, I do believe that we can help people. And like I said, it's almost like a gateway into better health because with just a few drops, you give it 90 days, um, people move more, they have more energy, they can, um, some people are nicer <laugh>, some people feel like, you know, their, their mood is more stable. They can sleep again, they can rest and digest. And I truly believe that this should be a standard of care for everyone. Um, we recommend vitamin D as just a basic, you know, supplement. Uh, to me this is just as important if not more so than vitamin D. And so I think anyone 50 and up, uh, should be on our C B D ass just kinda the way I feel.

And so I'm just grateful that you gave us, um, you know, just the mic and let us kind of share our story. And, you know, knowing that what I saw in I C U, just like what you said, Julian, 95% of disease is lifestyle. That with just one little health hack. And to me, you know, just ultrasound is our, one of our hero products. Just a few drops morning and evening can really change the game on health for people and help them then to use, um, you know, more movement, more, you know, better sleep and all those other holistic health factors can be added as that one intervention.

Jewelene (24:03):

You know, as you were talking there and making, you know, kind of going through the list of the various things that can benefit from this product, I think people can tune out when they think, yeah, something's gonna fix it all. But I want us to all take a minute and realize that, let's go back to the beginning of this conversation. There is a system within our bodies, our bodies, we've already said our bodies want to stay healthy. They were designed for help. They were designed for all of the components that we may experience. We've talked before about our sympathetic nervous system when the tiger was chasing us and we needed to divert in either fight or flight in our parasympathetic nervous system that is supposed to allow us to rest and recover, yet we never get there. We're never resting in recovering, right? We just stay in fight or flight.

But you know, so we have these systems in our bodies that we have acknowledged, we learned about in school. We recognize that they're there. You are hearing about the endocannabinoid system that you haven't heard about in the past, and it is driven by a receptor to C B D. So when we aren't able to produce that because of that stress factor, that may reduce that production, if it was anything else, we go to the doctor and they would say, here's a prescription for C B D. There doesn't need to be a prescription for C B D. So there's no financial benefit from a healthcare industry standpoint outside of outcomes, positive outcomes. But you know, there's not a profitability around, Hey, let's let's talk about the endocannabinoid system because we can do it through other means other than pharmaceutical. When we hear it can help you sleep better, it can help with pain, it can help with your digestion, it can help with your skin, with anxiety.

You know, we kind of think, wow, that's kind of magic. Yes, it is. It is magic within nature. So I, I will just, you know, share my particular story in a little bit more detail here. So I had ongoing lingering symptoms from my cancer treatment. I had significant neuropathy in my hands and feet. I was not able to sleep at night. And I was really struggling because I wanted to reduce the amount of medication that I was requiring to be comfortable. And so as I was trying to reduce my medication, I was in more pain. I was uncomfortable. I added the C b D to my normal daily regime, and I immediately saw results. I was sleeping better and my pain was better. And I was almost thinking I had drank the Kool-Aid, Lisa, I had just like said, I think I just like Lisa so much that I just believe this is happening.

Cause Lisa's a good person and, and I really want this to be the case. And so I was probably into it a couple of weeks and for whatever reason, one morning I, I did not take my blow and I got about lunchtime, it was maybe a little after lunch, and I was like, what in the heck is going on with me today? My hands are driving me crazy. The neuropathy was just bothersome, very unusually bothersome. And it hit me, oh my gosh, I forgot to take my glow. Are you freaking kidding me? One day, like one time I didn't take it and I really noticed the difference. And I called you and I said, Ugh, I can't believe it. Like, I so will never skip a day again. Like it is on the forefront of my, you know, bathroom counter. So, um, you know, I really, I recognize that in myself and it was very significant for me because the medication that I was having to take made my brain foggy and I didn't like being foggy.

And so I was really trying to reduce that. So it really helped tremendously. And then my sleep was another thing that, you know, during my treatment and even after I either had trouble going to sleep or staying asleep, and now I was sleeping better. And I think I shared with you, Lisa, not long after I started taking the uh, c b D product that I got up and it was the first time in over a year that I got up and I felt good. Like I just got up and got out of bed and started my day. And it was wonderful to be able to feel that way and I was taking meds away versus adding something else to my medication regime. So,

Lisa (29:08):

Well, Julian, you can imagine how it makes me feel, um, because, you know, I, you, you and I didn't know each other before we jumped on the same triad call. And I'll never forget your, your personality and your beauty just like light up the screen and I'm like, who is this amazing woman who's, who's just so passionate about life and your story. If you've not heard Jewelene's story, you just, you need to hear her story of just overcoming stage four cancer. Um, but hearing the benefit that it's made for you is a reminder, daily reminder as to why as a holistic nurse coach, this is a number one intervention that I recommend because it's pretty easy just to take something, you mentioned glow, it's a powder, so it's, it's a very innovative formula. I, uh, came from the pharmaceutical industry, so I really value clinical studies.

And to my knowledge, it's the only hemp product that has a double blind clinical crossover study is done at Mayo Clinic. Amazing white paper. And, um, just this product is my number one health recommendation. But, um, you know, obviously it's, it's the one that you're talking about. And, uh, any health professional that, um, is open to hearing about this is, is a very powerful T H C V C B D V C B D combination, uh, really, really amazing product. Very, um, very absorbable, just as we discussed with the liquid. But, um, that has like 31 different health benefits and there's four on the label, um, that we, you know, usually share with people like sleep stress management, um, you know, are, are two of 'em. And, uh, weight management is another one because it really does help decrease kind of a muting of appetite, if you will.

And, uh, in the clinical study, um, with, uh, people that were 250 pounds and up that were never told it was a weight loss study, every single person lost weight. So it's, it's just a great product that helps really reduce inflammation, all five inflammatory markers reduced in the 90 day study. So it's just, it's a wonderful kind of blend of plant medicine, if you will, and really, really good science. But you're are just, uh, one of our most, um, exciting stories of people who have not only experienced great results but are now sharing with other people to help impact their, you're paying it forward Dule, that's so cool about you. Ah,

Jewelene (31:27):

I'm so glad I can and I'm so glad that I met you and, and was able to, to learn about this. It really, it is a pay it forward because I think that we have to sometimes hear those amazing stories to take note and say, Hmm, things might change for me too. Can you share just a little bit about the combination of the cannabinoids that you typically focus

Lisa (31:57):

On? Well, you're right. It's, it's really because the human body has two sets of receptors and, um, you know, when we do our educational overviews, we usually show people, you know, that the CB one receptors are kind of the brain, the central nervous system, they're kind of the center part of the body, CB two receptors or the peripheral, um, gut, um, is included in that. So it's kind of fun to show 'em people visually. Um, and even though there is some overlap depending on what organ system that we're talking about, there's kind of unique benefits of each of those sets of receptors when you can activate and fuel them. And so what I love about C B D, what we use full spectrum, so we're using the whole plant not an isolate, really important in, in choosing A C B D to, to choose those full spectrum products that have all the benefits, um, that God really intended in that hemp plant.

But the C B D or glow, as you mentioned, really helped to activate those CB one receptors. And then we learned about a year later, once we launched our ultra cell product, that a, a compound called C B G cannabigerol, which is the stem cell, if you will, or the parent that gives birth to all the other cannabinoids in the, in the hemp plant, that, that actually activates CB two receptors in a very effective way. And so by pairing ultra cell, which is mainly a full spectrum C B D and ultra C B G, which is a full spectrum, C B G can aural by actually using those together, just a few drops of each of those twice a day, that it greatly improved the efficacy and people would notice a lot more from the beginning. And then we started seeing kind of some unique results from C B G, uh, in that, you know, um, and I, I have to be really careful because, uh, our, one of our biggest challenges is sharing some of the results without getting the FTC upset.

We're just sharing about results, but they have very strict restrictions on what a dietary supplement company, which we are can claim. So, um, I can't, I can't be very, very open about kind of the results we've seen that people who have shaking, um, it helps to relax smooth muscle. Uh, we also know that it helps to activate a lot of the gut, um, microbiome. And I know you've, you've, you're an expert on that now, Julian, I've heard one of your podcasts on that, but really helpful and that's one of the things that really has helped my son. Uh, our neurotransmitters are produced in the gut, and so there's a real positive effect on digestion, on gut health, um, and then also in bone health with C B G. So by using those together, um, which I do and I have now for six years in some form or the other, I use the combination cannabinoids, um, in a, in an amazing protocol.

It's very, very inexpensive. And my story Julian, uh, <laugh>, is that my son looked at me and goes, Hey mom, um, are you gonna use this too? And I was like, uh, you know, I don't drink, I don't smoke. I'm a health and wellness nurse, you know, like, this is cannabis. Like am I really going to use this? I don't have any issues. Um, but I wanted to take this journey with my son and I wanted to be supportive. So I dived in the literature and I saw that there's a lot of different things from a wellness standpoint and for people who are already healthy that just wanna keep their health, that don't want cancer, that don't wanna get sick, helping their immune system, helping their gut health. There was some reasons in the literature as to why I could take this. I also looked for side effects, like, is there anything I don't want, you know, can I hurt myself?

Am I gonna get addicted? Am I gonna, you know, fail a drug test? All those things. And so there was absolutely no reason, as there was no downside. There's a lot of side benefits, but there's no side effects from these products. And so I started taking them, um, and I took it for about a week, and then I'm like, I don't think it's really doing anything for me. I just didn't notice anything. I wasn't like you, Julian, I, I couldn't tell you that this was really doing anything for me. So I stopped and I thought, I'm just gonna save all the product for my son. And I noticed very quickly that I just, all I wanted do was bake cookies. Like I had this overwhelming urge to eat sugar and my irritable bowel symptoms came back and I realized that they had some very subtle effects that I just hadn't really noticed.

And so now I've, I I, you know, then I dived in and I went back on just ultra cell just to C B D at the time, nine months later, stayed on it consistently. My doctor called me on the phone when I had just a routine, um, blood work. And he goes, what are you doing? And I said, I'm just taking this ultrasound product. It's, you know, full spectrum hemp oil. And he said, well, this is the first, um, test I've seen in years for you that your hemoglobin is normal. So I've been anemic my whole life, just familial. My sister was, my mom was, and, um, he used to call me and go, how are you getting off the couch? And so that, you know, is really what it had done for me is it had given me a lot of energy, but it's obviously, you know, hemoglobin and the oxygen carrying capacity of, of my blood work. And, and it's, it's not magic. There's a lot of iron in the hemp plant. It's a very absorbable form of iron. So when you look at the full spectrum, not just cannabidiol, not just c b D, but the full spectrum, it is more nutritious than any other plant on the planet. And when you have a water soluble absorbable form, everything benefits. So it's, it's all good.

Jewelene (37:23):

I'm so excited when I think about this, and I hope people are kind of getting a little excited too, that we started this with saying the endocannabinoid system helps us balance ourselves, helps us find that place of homeostasis. It is doing that by these cannabinoid receptors. And when we have them, it doesn't matter what the ailment is, it's going to find a way to find the balance. And I think that's why it has such a wide range of benefits that are individualized for each person. If I'm taking it, what my body needs to be balanced is to help my neuropathic system. It is it, what I need is for it to help with my being able to relax for my gut health. For somebody else, it may be that their skin, skin is an organ, you know, we ha it's our largest organ, you know, and if that is what's out of balance, then once we have activated this endocannabinoid system by providing it with what it needs to create that balance, it's going to affect that area within our bodies. If you have an ailment, if you have something that has challenged you, you've probably tried a lot of different things. You've probably, you know, gone to that drugstore vitamin shelf and picked up everything that you possibly could. You've Googled what might help. You've gone now to your local smoke shop and bought some gummy bears and whatever, <laugh>. Um, so now why not try something that has some science behind it and some ability to actually make a difference in your life? So,

Lisa (39:11):

Absolutely. And you know, one of the things that people, you know, need to understand is that this is not a drug. Um, it is actually a natural compound that supports the structure and function of the human body. So you said it so intelligently that our body, um, wants to be healthy. And so God created this system that if you give it the components, it can go a long way to healing itself. And whereas I'm not opposed to pharmaceuticals that actually came from the industry. You know, my dad used to believe that a drug could fix any ailment. He was a doctor, you know, he prescribed it. But what I've seen is that it's, it's, you know, nothing takes the place of what these natural compounds are. If you're low in vitamin D, you need to take vitamin D. And if you're low in cannabinoids and you have a perfect diet and you exercise every day and drink enough water and get enough sleep, you're still probably not in homeostasis.

So, you know, giving these things just 90 days, there's no downside for that. And it's every potential upside. It's just not a message that your most health providers will ever really know enough to recommend, except, unless you know Jewelene, and, and she's, she's amazing. This, I love Zise because they've made it super simple. Uh, we just, we have a few products that we can recommend. They're full spectrum. There's no, no side effects. They're reasonable. It's a company that loves to offer wholesale pricing for people. Um, you can have your own portal. It's like an online Sam's or Costco that you get your very, very best prices, even with single bottles. They, um, give a lot. They pay forward with, uh, prenatal vitamins. Every dollar spent goes toward some really amazing, uh, initiatives that this company does, but they give a ton of free products away to their consumers. So to me, it's the best of all worlds. I love, um, the company. I love for what they stand for, and we can do a lot of good locking arms together and helping other people who have the right information, um, to unlock a lot of health benefits.

Jewelene (41:07):

This has been so helpful. I, I am super excited about this topic. I hope other people are now super intrigued by this product and this topic. Um, so we've been saying the words, the zali, and I'm gonna spell it for you, um, so that if you want to look it up, you certainly can. It's Z I L I S. And Lisa, is there a way that if somebody was interested in getting a consultation just to kind of talk through their situation, what would be the best way for them to do that?

Lisa (41:42):

Well, I would have them reach back to you, Julian. Um, you know, obviously Wellness after Cancer is your site. Um, mine is not yet up and running, but you know, if they reach back to you, then you can connect us. And, um, you know, I would love to, you know, this has kind of been a passion. There's just a lot of misinformation in this area. Uh, there's a lot of, of, uh, patients out there that are suffering from things that can, a natural product can really assist in the process. So reach back to Jolene and she'll connect you with me, and I would love to, uh, help anybody that has an interest.

Jewelene (42:15):

Well, we are definitely partners in this. So reaching out through Wellness After Cancer event, either at the contact page on the website, or you can email at julie MechE wellness after And as we have said all along, this is a natural way to get some amazing results in, um, a variety of things that cause us challenges in our lives, stress in our lives, health issues in our lives. And Lisa, I am so thankful that you shared with others and you spent some time with me today. I love you. I love talking to you, whether it's on a podcast or just one-on-one, you're an amazing lady. So thank you so much for your time today. Thank you,

Lisa (43:05):

Jewelene. And, um, so Lisa Bell H e n s o n is is the, the website when, when mine is up and running. But you're inspiring to me your story, uh, your passion, just the, the, the lead work you're doing right now in educating people on wellness, um, is is huge in the world. So I'm so excited to be a partner of your student. Oh, thank you for inviting me on your podcast.

Jewelene (43:30):

Thanks so much, Lisa.

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