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Caregiver Limitations

Jewelene Meacham

Jan 17, 2023

Being a Caregiver/Supporter

So you raise your hand and say, “I want to help.” The first thing you need to realize is what you can do and what you can’t do. There are some of us who are wonderful at personal care. These people can give the best back rub or bed bath in the world. Then there are others who wouldn’t know where to start or would feel uncomfortable providing personal care.

So when you’re offering to help, first take an assessment of what you really have the capacity and skillset to do. Then offer those things. If someone asks you to do something that you are not particularly comfortable with, then let that be known. Sometimes it will just take a little bit of training other times they might just need to find somebody else for that need.

It is important for you to assess; as the caregiver/supporter, what your strengths and weaknesses truly are.

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