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Are Emotions Driving Your Health?

Acceptance of a Body, Mind, and Spirit connection requires that we recognize how our emotions (whether conscious or subconscious) impact our health.

Emotions should flow through us like waves.

Holding on to or suppressing emotions creates a blockage.

These suppressed emotions are most often negative like: Stress, Fear, Anger, Trauma, Regret or Sadness.

But sometimes they can be our holding on to positive emotions. For example looking back at a time of happiness and focusing on the nostalgia of that time. Even with this positive emotion, if we don't let that emotion flow, we can live in a desire for the past rather than finding happiness in our present.

And sometimes these suppressed emotions will present themselves in our physical body.

Stress for example has a significant impact on our bodies and our health. It is proven to weaken our immune system which in turn changes which neuropeptides are released.

Neuropeptides are released all the time in our bodies and EVERY cell in our body has the ability to receive them.

Positive neuropeptides are serotonin, dopamine and relaxin.

Negative neuropeptides are cortisol, epinephrine and adrenaline (known as STRESS hormones)

Stress actually makes us vulnerable to disease, which includes CANCER.

There are several studies that have investigated the impact that Stress Management has on our immune system. In one study, participates took a 10 week Stress Management Workshop and following it their WBC (white blood cells - which elevate when fighting illness) were significantly elevated. In another study, participates took a 6 week Stress Management Workshop that included relaxation techniques and following the participates showed a significant increase in a special type of WBC called natural killer (NK) cells. These cells have the ability to bind with cancer cells and actually kill them!

Fear is another common emotion experienced with those facing cancer.

It may be the fear of the treatment, the unknown and often death.

Cancer patients are forced to face the reality of their own mortality.

The process of addressing a fear of death is paramount in a cancer patient's journey. If you have this fear and choose to ignore or suppress it; you are only delaying the inevitable. Death is a reality for us all. Cancer patients may feel its potential looming presence that can shadow all other emotions. Surrendering to find your own peace with dying will also allow you the ability to find peace with living.

Identifying any emotions that are not flowing through you and working to resolve them is a very individualized process.

Some can do this independently with quiet contemplation or journaling. Others need assistance to work through the process. Therapy, utilization of various types of healers, spiritual leaders or support groups may be the avenue you might pursue to help guide you.

Being open and vulnerable to admit you have emotional areas to work on overcoming is easier than you may think. Consider that we ALL have a story that includes both good and bad experiences that evoke a variety of emotions.

It's empowering to be vulnerable and believe it or not, it often encourages others to be vulnerable as well.

The goal with our emotions is to feel them flow through us. Take some time this week to consider if you have blocked or suppressed emotions that need to be addressed. Give your body, mind, and spirit the freedom to stay in the present with an inner peace that benefits your healing.

Wishing Wellness,

Jewelene Meacham RN HWNC


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