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Becoming Intuitive to our Intuition

Intuition: The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Intuition is our innate sixth sense.

At our core, we were designed intricately and purposefully. We have numerous systems and processes within our bodies that work together to create balance . Many of these without any conscious action on our part.

Somewhere along our very long history, we have lost connection and even the awareness of some of the most amazing mechanisms we have to live optimally.

Let's discuss intuition.

Historically we relied on our intuition to stay alive. To 'feel' the presence of potential threats in some way or become 'aware' of something that was not yet apparent.

Like a threat of a stalking animal!

We have all had those times that we had a 'gut' feeling about something. An apprehension to be in an area for no apparent reason. A recurring or impactful dream.

We may utilize the information shared with us. We may brush it off and moved on as we don't understand it. We may think of it as a 'fluke' or 'odd'. It is only later that we connect the dots.

I recall a few months before the end of my first marriage that I had an overwhelming feeling of impending doom. I mean really anxiety producing apprehension. I actually told family that if something happened to me, to just be aware somehow I knew something was going to happen...just no idea what. This feeling actually manifested itself into hives. I went to my doctor and he asked if I was under any unusual stress. At that time, life seemed perfect. No changes or new problems that I was aware of in my life (or my marriage). He gave me a steroid and told me to rest. I returned a week later with shingles! Certainly the steroid could have triggered, BUT my body was trying to tell me something that my conscious mind was not recognizing. Since it wasn't a message sent on paper or verbalized specifically. It was just a confusing, scary problem. It wasn't until my marriage fell apart that I put the pieces together that the feeling of impending doom was trying to prepare me for what was to come.

Those facing serious illnesses need to purposefully learn to pay attention.

Pay attention to everything. Become aware of your bodies and it's subtle and sometimes not so subtle messages. Our bodies want to be healthy, they want to heal.

Consider how much attention you give to your job, your family, your multiple responsibilities. Do you give that attention to your body?

To reconnect with our intuition, we have to practice listening to our bodies. Remember, we have an inner wisdom of what is best for us. Quiet yourself and your mind and pay some attention to it.

There is no (1) way that our bodies speak to us. We each may experience it differently. A quiet voice. A physical feeling. A dream. A random coincidence.

The messages will be specifically to you, from you. To help you heal. Healing to your physical body, emotional state, mental health, spiritual needs...whatever is out of balance in your life.

These messages are sharing insights into what is needed or required to heal.

Listen and pay attention to your inner wisdom, your intuition.

The only way to do this is to purposefully quiet ourselves. We live in a non-stop environment that is rarely quiet for any length of time. Give yourself that protected time to relax and quiet your mind. Even a short period of time can be amazingly beneficial.

Take that time an breathe, just breathe.

Maybe use a short guided meditation or awareness practice to learn to embrace the process. If you are one to journal, do so with quiet reflection and honesty. Pay attention to those feelings, thoughts, and dreams that present themselves.

Remember, this is your body trying to help you heal.

You can't hide things from your inner sometimes the insights are in areas you have managed to bury deep and tried very hard to forget or ignore.

When your intuition leads you to address some of these areas it can perhaps require some challenging actions.

Healing often involves going through some discomfort and some pain.

  • Sometimes physical like with chemotherapy for your cancer.

  • Sometimes emotional like recognizing you need to remove toxic people from your life or change your career to allow better work/life balance.

  • Sometimes it is in our habits whether creating good ones or eliminating bad ones.

As we listen and heal, our intuition can feel more proactive rather than reactive. We become more aware of how we need to grow or improve ourselves.

What an amazing art to master...being intuitive to our intuition. It's our own personal, all knowing healer and protector.

Here is a 1 week challenge:

Give yourself a quick 5 minutes each day to do an Awareness Practice. The link below is just one option you may enjoy. For other options check out the Wellness After Cancer Resource page for additional recordings.

At the end of the week, send me a quick email at and share any thoughts on the practice.

Become intuitive to your intuition by learning how to listen to and embrace your inner wisdom.

Wishing Wellness,

Jewelene Meacham RN, HWNC


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