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Killing Cancer - Supporting Our Immune System

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

If you have been given a cancer diagnosis, you most definitely are interested in any avenue that can kill your cancer!

Your oncologist will give you a treatment plan that is driven by your specific cancer. Often this will include chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and possibly immunotherapy agents and hormone therapy.

These options should be carefully considered looking at risk verses benefits. Ask questions, and make an informed decision that best aligns with your goals.

There is an area you can focus on regardless of your formal treatment decisions.

That area is your immune system.

Learning how to strengthen the system in your body that was specifically designed to defend against infections and unwanted cells and microbes while protecting the body's healthy cells is well worth the effort.

The immune system is actually very complex involving organs, cells and proteins that all communicate, record and recall as necessary to basically police your body.

We also know that no system in our body works in isolation. We must always consider and involve a body, mind, and spirit approach to our health. Ignoring this reality will only delay accomplishing your goals of personal health and vibrancy.

So how do we best support our immune system?

  • Create a strong internal environment

  • Utilize herbs and supplements to strengthen your immune system to allow it more energy to kill cancer

  • Change the environment your cancer is currently living and thriving in

  • Detox your body to eliminate toxins that may distract or hinder your immune system from focusing on your cancer

Let's take a deeper look into these actions:

Create a strong internal environment

Take a close look at your current state of body, mind and spirit.

Are there areas you need to quickly get in check?

Areas such as:

  • diet changes

  • habit adjustments

  • recognizing your coping mechanisms

  • sleeping patterns

  • activity level

  • other medical conditions

  • your mental health

  • considering what motivates or demotivates you

  • removing yourself from toxic environments or from toxic people

  • considering your spiritual connections

This sounds like a lot of work. And it is, but the time you take to consider these areas the more prepared your internal environment will be to fight your cancer.

As you find areas that need attention, take action.

Do what you can to make the necessary steps to empower your own body to work with whatever treatment plan you have in front of you.

Utilize herbs and supplements to strengthen your immune system to allow it more energy to kill cancer

Let's start by saying that herbs and supplements are not magic.

They are not your miracle cure.

They are resources to give your body what is not currently found in our foods, or not in the foods your are consuming. They work with our immune system to remove toxins and help create a healthy microbiome in our bodies.

We first want to try to get our nutrients from whole foods.

Unfortunately, even our whole foods involve processing that make that same whole food very different today than it was even 50 years ago.

Corporate farming has implemented processes that strip minerals from the soil, then they add back certain minerals but not ALL. Trace minerals that are necessary for our health are not added back. They also implement early harvesting which limits the development of the full nutrients the plant was originally providing.

So, there are actual needs to utilize herbs and supplements to meet our nutritional needs.

The challenge is to understand what you NEED and what herbs or supplements are best for your personal health.

Taking large amounts of herbs, vitamins or supplements can be first very costly and unfortunately sometimes not effective.

Our bodies can only absorbs certain supplements in combinations with others, often only in certain quantities at a time and when consumed randomly or improperly you have only created very expensive urine.

Below are a few suggestions to consider and discuss with your provider or herbalist:

  • EGCG is the major catechin in green tea. It possesses antioxidant capabilities that activate killer cancer cells in our immune system as well as provide benefits to other diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, stroke and obesity.

  • Mushrooms such as Turkey Tail increases the number of immune system killer cells in cancer patients.

  • Daily prebiotics and probiotics are important, especially if you are not getting the source from whole foods. These help with maintaining or restoring a healthy gut. Probiotics introduce the healthy bacteria that is required in the gut to function properly and probiotics feed on prebiotic, thus the need for both.

  • High dose Turmeric can be beneficial for some. It has scientifically proven health benefits for heart health, Alzheimer prevention, and cancer. It is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. There are some contraindications for those with liver or bile duct problems or if pregnant. As with any natural herb or supplement, you should always consult with your health practitioner before starting.

  • High dose Vitamin C enhances immunotherapy results. The free radicals in Vitamin C play a role in heart disease and cancer. It also helps your body absorb and store iron. Cancer patients with severe pain may discuss intravenous high dose Vitamin C to minimize pain and protect normal tissue.

  • Aloe Vera, Fish Oil, and Trace Minerals are all other supplements to investigate if they are right for your needs

  • There are many many more herbs and supplements we could discuss and no doubt will in other blogs and podcasts, but for all just keep in mind...the goal is to boost your immune system with those that can support your cancer fighting capability.

Change the environment your cancer is currently living and thriving in

This goes back to our body, mind and spirit.

Think about each and prioritize some changes, modifications or additions that will best support your goals.

Below are just a few that are commonly considered with my coaching clients:

  • Diet changes to eliminate processed foods, focusing on whole foods, going organic.

  • Working to change bad health habits like smoking nicotine, excessive alcohol, a stationary lifestyle

  • Creating a bedtime ritual to prepare our bodies for healing sleep

  • Trying various breathing techniques to quiet our minds and allow us to listen to our inner wisdom

Detox your body to eliminate toxins that may distract or hinder your immune system from focusing on your cancer

We hear a good bit about the benefits of detoxifying our bodies.

We need to be mindful as we are considering these options that again you want to discuss with your health practitioner on timing. The detoxification process can initially create some side effects such as skin rashes, headaches and bloating which may not be ideal if in active treatment.

When you are ready to detox here are some things to consider:

  • A lower core body temperature weakens cells. One area that can be impacted from this is our gut. Our gut is one cell thick so weakening that one cell system can cause a potential for leaky gut (causing bacteria to enter our blood stream)

    • One thing you can consider is increasing your core body temperature by eating and drinking only hot items, deep breathing through your nose, reducing stress, exercising routinely, getting plenty of sleep and sun

    • You might consider adding bifidus to your daily diet. Bifidus is a supplement that helps create healthy gut bacteria

  • Detox areas of focus:

    • Antifungals: Olive leaf extract; Horse Tail Plant

    • Anti-parasitic: Black Walnut Hull, Wormwood, Golden Seal

    • Antibacterial/viral: Garlic, Oil of Oregano

    • Liver: Milk Thistles, Dandelion Root

    • Vitamins/Hormones: B12, Vitamin D, Melatonin

So, I get it...this is a lot!

Don't be too overwhelmed. Just start with one thing at a time. Prioritize to your needs at this time.

Every step is a step in a more healthy direction.

Supporting our immune system through a body, mind and spirit approach can make a significant difference in your overcoming cancer, finding a healthy balance in your life and living more fully.

Wishing Wellness,

Jewelene Meacham RN, HWNC


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