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No Need To Fear - It’s Not an Animal it's a PET…scan 🙂

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

If you have never had a test or procedure that is recommended; we immediately want to know the details.

This is completely normal. We all get apprehensive.

So since we are on a journey that could certainly present tests and procedures that are not always familiar to us; let’s learn about them and take the fear of the unknown away!

  • PET Scan is more specifically a Positron Emission Tomography scan

  • It shows the metabolic uptake of glucose (sugar) in your tissues/cells

  • It often can pick up disease before it is large enough to show up on other tests

  • The PET scanner is a large machine that looks like a large doughnut standing upright.

  • It is OPEN on BOTH ends…so less worry about being claustrophobic

Did many of you exhale audibly there? Most people don’t like being confined in small spaces.


The prep is easy as well:

  • Don’t do strenuous exercise for a couple of days prior to the test

  • Eat a low carb diet the day prior to the test

  • Don’t eat or drink anything other than water for at least 4 hours prior to the test


You will have to get a stick prior to the test; an IV will be started to give you a radioactive sugar in your vein. Once given, the IV will be removed.

Easy breezy! Right? You only receive a very small amount of radiation that stays in your body for about 6 hours. The only precaution for this is to refrain from being around pregnant women or pregnant pets during those 6 hours. Other pets and people are not at risk.

  • Once you have been given the injection, you will be placed in a comfortable room to relax for 45-60 minutes.

  • This gives the radioactive sugar time to circulate through your body.

Lay back, close your eyes and

have some ‘you’ time!

  • When it is time for your scan, you will be placed on a narrow table, a pillow under your head and a wedge under your knees for comfort.

  • Most of the time you are allowed to wear your own clothes and not even have to change into a gown!

  • You will be asked to take off any eyeglasses or earrings during the testing.

  • You will be asked to raise your arms over your head for the duration of the testing.

  • The table you are lying on will move through the machine ‘the upright doughnut’ taking pictures in an area and then moving slightly and taking more until finished with the scan.

  • There is some noise and clicking from the machine, but not anything requiring earbuds or headphones.

  • The scanning usually takes around 30 minutes.

The testing itself is uneventful. Just lay there quietly, still, with your arms over your head and relax. Close your eyes, maybe even fall asleep…I have!

That’s it!

So what does the PET scan show?

Remember the radioactive sugar that circulated through your body? Well, the PET scan looks for how all your tissues and cells are taking in that sugar. Abnormal cells will have a higher metabolic rate or take in more of the radioactive sugar. These abnormal cells will ‘light up’ on the scan and now we see them!!!!

The test is read and then sent to your physician usually within 24 hours.


Instead of becoming apprehensive of new test and procedures, let’s learn about them, be prepared for them and then take the information they are able to reveal to be more aware of what is going on or not going on in our bodies!

We always move forward from here. Wherever we are on our journey.

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As always…

Wishing wellness,

Jewelene Meacham - Nurse Coach and Survivor/Thriver

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